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Mrs Carr, our Executive Headteacher, is our Mental Health Lead.  We are working towards becoming a Trauma Informed School and recognise the impact of adverse childhood experiences on our pupils’ emotional wellbeing.

Within school, we offer the following mental health support:

  • 1:1 support with our ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)
  • A range of group wellbeing interventions, such as Hamish and Milo and TalkAbout
  • Monday Morning Club for children who need a ‘soft start’ to the school week
  • Lunchtime Club for children who find the playground challenging and benefit from small group games and activities
  • Breaktime Club for children who enjoy adult support to help structure their play
  • Check ins with key adults for those children who need more regular support
  • Behaviour Reward charts where children need a boost to self-esteem
  • Recognition Boards in every classroom to recognise the hard work and effort that pupils are showing and boost self-worth
  • Celebration Assembly every Friday to recognise and celebrate children’s achievements
  • Individual and bespoke support were it is needed.

Other Support Agencies

Re:Minds: is a Southampton based organisation supporting families whose children/young people have Autism, ADHD or other neurodiverse needs and/or mental health needs - with or without a diagnosis. Re:Minds (

Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: CAMHS is a NHS specialist service that aims to help young people aged 5 -18 years and their families who are finding it hard to manage their emotional and psychological health, and who are suffering with acute, chronic and severe mental health problems.  You can self-refer to CAMHs.  Find guidance at

Mental Health in Schools Team: MHST offer support for parents of children under 12 with anxiety and/or who are experiencing behavioural issues.  Talk to a member of school staff about making a referral to the team.

Public Health Nursing Service: The school nursing team offer support to children aged 5-19 on a range of issues, including sleep issues, difficulties with food and anxiety.  You can self-refer at

Anna Freud: Anna Freud is a world-leading mental health charity for children and families.  They work in collaboration with children and young people, their families and communities and mental health professionals to transform children and families' mental health.  They have lots of resources and advice for parents at

Young Minds: Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health.  There are resources, advice and links to other support agencies at