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The School Day (timings)

Gates open: 8.30 a.m.

Start of day: 8.45 a.m.

Children who arrive after 8.45 will be marked late.  Children who arrive after 9.15 will be marked with a Unauthorised absence mark.

End of day: 3.15p.m.


There are many benefits your child will gain from arriving on time to school and class.

  1.  Your child doesn’t miss out on the important learning activities like phonics, reading and spelling.  These happen early in the day when the children are most alert.
  2. It gives your child time to talk to their friends before class, which is a positive start to the day.
  3. Coming into class late can make your child feel uncomfortable.
  4. Teachers are ready to greet the children at the start of the day and find out how they are feeling.
  5. During register, teachers talk about what is happening during the day.  That helps children to feel prepared and ready.
  6. You have the opportunity to talk to the teacher and share any information you need to.
  7. Arriving on time every day makes children feel good about themselves!

What can being late mean?

5 minutes late each day = 3 days lost across the school year

10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost across the school year

15 minutes late each day = 10 days lost across the school year

20 minutes late each day = 13 days lost across the school year

Is my child too ill for school?

We know that all children get ill from time to time, particularly Year R when they first start school and come into contact with new and different bugs.

However, it is very important that your child comes to school whenever they can and in most cases, they can come to school with minor illnesses.

The link below gives government advice on when your child can come to school when they feel ill and when they should not.

With older children, you could share this link with them, so they understand why you are sending them to school even though they are not feeling 100%.

Please remember, if you are not sending your child to school because they are ill, you MUST phone the school to let us know by 9.15 a.m.  If not, we will contact you by phone and if we still cannot make contact, we may make a home visit.

If your child is regularly ill and their attendance drops below 95%, we may start to ask for medical evidence such as a record of a doctor’s appointment, prescription or hospital appointment.